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I highly recommend from my personal experience and from other professionals a traditional metronome like this one:
It is like looking at a conductor's hand and your brain understands the tempo much better than watching a small screen!

On the other hand ease of transportation the korg is a industry standard:
You can find old versions!

And finally I would probably recommend out of all a metronome + a Tuner:
Again look for used ones you can get an even better deal.

In this one you can do long notes exercises you blow the note and see if you are in tune and you adjust your lips accordingly.. I will post an exercise about this!

I got all of the above :-) but if you had to choose get #3.

Messages In This Thread
amplifiers - by chitowngreek - February 8th, 2013, 18:27
amplifiers - by tseligas - February 8th, 2013, 20:41
amplifiers - by chitowngreek - February 8th, 2013, 21:07
amplifiers - by tseligas - February 8th, 2013, 22:12
amplifiers - by chitowngreek - February 9th, 2013, 17:40
amplifiers - by tseligas - February 12th, 2013, 17:30
amplifiers - by tseligas - February 12th, 2013, 17:50
amplifiers - by chitowngreek - February 16th, 2013, 19:38
amplifiers - by tseligas - February 17th, 2013, 16:18
amplifiers - by chitowngreek - February 18th, 2013, 17:35
amplifiers - by tseligas - February 18th, 2013, 20:39
amplifiers - by chitowngreek - February 18th, 2013, 22:03
amplifiers - by Vlaxopoula - February 22nd, 2013, 11:38
amplifiers - by chitowngreek - February 22nd, 2013, 21:29
amplifiers - by tseligas - February 22nd, 2013, 22:32
amplifiers - by chitowngreek - March 1st, 2013, 18:16
amplifiers - by tseligas - March 2nd, 2013, 10:45
amplifiers - by chitowngreek - March 2nd, 2013, 15:09
amplifiers - by chitowngreek - March 2nd, 2013, 15:13
amplifiers - by tseligas - March 2nd, 2013, 15:51
amplifiers - by chitowngreek - March 3rd, 2013, 18:20
amplifiers - by chitowngreek - March 3rd, 2013, 18:21
amplifiers - by chitowngreek - March 3rd, 2013, 18:42
amplifiers - by chitowngreek - March 3rd, 2013, 18:48
amplifiers - by tseligas - March 3rd, 2013, 22:47
amplifiers - by tseligas - March 3rd, 2013, 22:49
amplifiers - by chitowngreek - July 8th, 2013, 21:25
amplifiers - by tseligas - July 8th, 2013, 21:57
amplifiers - by chitowngreek - July 9th, 2013, 19:05

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