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Sure the 57 is a very good mic but has a more directional cardioid pattern. You would need something with a wider pattern if you are to use 1 single mike for your clarinet.

1 mike setup: Shure 58 (was the chinese counterfeits) at about 4inches away pointing at the center of the clarinet.
2 mike setup: You need a mixer now to control the levels etc. - Use the 57 at the bell ~ 3-4 inches away.

It won't be simple to amp yourself in a room. couple notes may sound great but some other won't.

Show me the video that he is playing with that clip. I have never seen a single clip on the bell.

-I have also used this system:
(check ebay for used ones)
You can get good sound...but does look ugly! Work's great for home..A small disadvantage is that you can't do fade-aways...The effect you get when you move the clarinet away from the mic.

I have settled for now on a barrel pickup mainly due to the ease of it all!! and because I like to play wirelessly.

Messages In This Thread
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