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Hello everyone! I hope everyone is fine...

Well, I noticed a crack in my baby...

Please, advise me on how could I proceed!

Thnx a lot!!!!
hello leventis , you have got hard one here right through the octave key, search you tube there are a few clips on what to do , if the crack is hair line you might get powder(wood)or find it on e bay from grounded up an old clarinet (dust) put crazy glue then the grounded up dust ,and hose clamp it toghether over night , if the crack is too wide, then you will have to install a ring on it ,some clarinet techs put pins to hold it toghether, you will find examples on you tube also is the clarinet a in the key of DO.
Good suggestions. Thank god I never had to face an issue like that with my "baby"

I was thinking that whatever you put in there would need to have the same thermal expansion rate. When chitown suggested wood grindings that made absolute sense!

You can use as clamp a hose clamp with a rubber insert so you don't scratch the clarinet.

Leventi check to see if the goes through the ID of the clarinet!.

Wish the fastest recovery for your patient!
OUCH!!!!!! Guys, why does this happen? Do I need to oil it?? I have heard that I shouldn't play it in cold temperatures or not leave it in the car during the winter... Other advice. That breaks my heart! Good luck leventi!!!
hi ,, some times if the wood isnt cured it will split , it has happened with brand new clarinets ,wood shrinks and expands with the humidty if you look on you tube try to pick up a link how to care for youre new clarinet , very informative
Thank you chitown and everyone else, I will check the options as you advised. Moreover, how often should I maintain my clarinet applying oil? I do so about a couple times monthly...